2025 Winter Meltdown 7-12 Grade
Friday-Saturday, January 24-25
Registration Deadline: December 15, 2024
Event Overview
Winter Meltdown is a two-day youth retreat at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Ventura, Iowa. This year experience snowtubing down their new sledding hill, enjoy the indoor sports facilities at "The Rock" and join students from around Iowa and surrounding areas as we worship and fellowship together. Teens will hear from God’s Word with special speaker Aaron Mazzarella, the Family Discipleship and Music Pastor at Walnut Ridge Baptist Church in Waterloo, Iowa.
The two-day retreat costs $70 per teen. Registration and payments should be submitted prior to December 15, 2024. Teens should bring some extra money if they'd like to purchase any additional snacks or items during the retreat. Below is a breakdown of the schedule for the retreat, registration and a link to the medical waiver form that is required prior to departure.
This Year's Speaker
Family Discipleship & Music Pastor - Aaron Mazzarella
Cost & Schedule
Campers: $70
6:15-7:15pm: Registration/Check-in
4:15pm: Retreat Ends/Leave for Home
5:45pm: Estimated Arrival at Church
Click Here for Medical Waiver Form
Register Today