Heartland Baptist Church

Membership Promise

   Membership Commitment

   Having accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, relying on nothing else than my faith and trust in His shed blood for me on the cross, and having been baptized according to the Scriptures, I do now before God and these believers, request to become a member at Heartland Baptist Church in Ames, Iowa. 

   I intend by the aid of the Holy Spirit to walk together in love with this congregation, to strive for the advancement of the church and its ministries, to be faithful to its services as my schedule permits and to pray for the church and ask God’s blessings on it. 

   I will hold to its biblical beliefs and defend its doctrines as they are not from man but from God’s Holy Word.  I will do my best to protect the congregation from heresy and to warn others against falling away and will help guard the church from the many attacks by our adversary.   

   I will maintain personal devotions so that I and my home are a place that honors Christ.  I will seek the salvation of the lost and the repentance of those I know who have backslidden. I will walk wisely and circumspectly with the world, being just and honest in my dealings in order to have a good testimony.   

   In order to not to hurt the testimony of the Lord or this church, I will avoid profanity and crude communication, immoral behavior, intoxicating and habit forming drink and drugs, worldly attitudes or beliefs or habits or any other sin that causes problems in the ministry.

   I will try to watch over my brothers and sisters in Christ, remembering to pray for them, to aid them when there is sickness or distress, to be slow to take offense and to be courteous in my speech.  And I will strive to maintain harmony with the church as they are my spiritual family keeping in mind that the Lord Jesus loves them.  

   I will also give this church sacred preeminence over all institutions of human origin, to contribute cheerfully and regularly in tithes and offerings for the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor and the spread of the Gospel.  And I will do my part as a member to help as I can in a ministry.

   And I promise that I will do my best to keep this commitment until such time as the Lord moves me, or until the Lord should return or I am called home through death.  May we serve the Lord together with joy, show love one for another, grow in His grace, stay true to His word, and lift up the cross for all to see.  This I promise.

© 2025 Heartland Baptist Church All rights reserved.