Heartland Baptist Church


Our Affiliations

     We are an Independent Baptist Church, meaning, we hold to classic Baptist doctrine and faith (that’s the Baptist part) and we are not officially in any denomination (that’s the independent part).  We have many friends, circles of fellowship and partners in the ministry.   


     We support missionaries from several Baptist Mission boards, including the Baptist Bible Fellowship International, Springfield, Missouri. We send students to several Baptist Bible Colleges. Our children’s Sunday school material is from Bogard Press, a Missionary Baptist Association, Texarkana, Texas. Our children’s Wednesday evening activity is an AWANA Program.  Our teen ministry uses LIVE curriculum from Group Publishing and our young adults use material from Lifeway Publishing, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, and Bible teachers John McArthur, Chuck Swindoll, David Jeremiah, Charles Stanley, Etc. We literally have tried to find the best missionaries, the best teaching material, the best Christian fellowships and the best friends possible as we serve the Lord and work for His glory!


    And locally, we try to be a helpful Christian influence in our community by providing volunteers for groups like the Gideons, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity and other good causes.  We try to be a blessing to our school principals, our police and fire fighters, teachers and civil servants.


© 2025 Heartland Baptist Church All rights reserved.